This is a post I’ve been putting off for awhile because of y’all and myself but I’ll get to that in a minute
I know I’ve only just gotten back to posting but I’m gonna stop for awhile again.
I know most of you won’t care and I understand and respect that,but for those who do care,even if a little bit,then here’s my reason
I’m exhausted almost all of the time,I’m sore,I can’t even draw as good anymore unless it automatically fixes the line because my stupid hands want to keep shaking,and personal health problems have been rapidly getting worse.
I’m not gonna go too deep into it but it sucks,massively,and we’re working on it but it’ll take some time.
The reason I’ve been putting this off is because I’ve just started drawing again,I really didn’t want to go right back into hiatus after giving content,but I also didn’t want to post this because I really didn’t want to admit things were worse
But the universe seems to really not like me sometimes and now here I am with the problems being hard to ignore.I have no clue when this hiatus will go but until then I’m probably gonna completely ignore this site for awhile,I will check in sometimes but aside from that it’ll be just like it was last hiatus
I’m sorry,goodbye