this is not supposed to be blue!!!!
Wasp is an angel, so doesn't really do the whole binary gender thing. she's basically a feminine aligned enby. Albert is AFAB and kinda a dude but disconnected from maleness. they're both neutral good but become neutral evil when put under mind control by the vampire queen(liana's birth mother). wasp might be part faierie. just thought about it, seems interesting. ae's definitely related to Mira and Murphy. maybe Josephine? I don't know much about Albert? anyway, the two met about two hundred years before Liana was born, but at least 500 years after gabby's stuff. when they join up with Liana's group, about 200 years after Jane dies and Liana gets reborn, they break up because of the stress, and quite a bit of their relationship was affected by the mind control. also, albert does resurect Jane because he had written that into the spell he did when he killed her, like he did everyone they were instructed to kill. she was the only one that he made a ghost, mainly cause she was a witch and that was just how the magic worked. Wasp did shoot liana with a dart that awoke her vampirism. Wasp and Albert worked together to kidnap fox and phoenix and take them to the lab in the arctic. so, they already have tensions with the people that are in Liana and Jane's group at the time, when the people remember it. Wasp also gets angry easily. and lashes out. so, albert and wasp aren't talking to each other cause their blaming each other and everyone hates them. except for Sage, JAMES, Xavier, and Liana. Yes, Xavier had kinda known they were under mind control but was unsure so just didn't tell anybody because he didn't like telling people what he heard. Also, Wasp is a fallen angel because of her anger cause she kept accidentally/on purpose destroying things. Also, Albert definitely read books about Gabby and co when he was younger and idolised them.
@!AJD! yep.KETCH
@PhinSilver oofPhinSilver
@!AJD! heh. i still need to get mine, but i already had flulike symptoms, then they disappeared, soKETCH
@PhinSilver I'm good, I just got a flu shot lelPhinSilver
@!AJD! yeah!! how are you???KETCH
@PhinSilver okkPhinSilver
@!AJD! i might do another, with more effortKETCH