Littactasis Urilfae


The lump of meat you see rotting before you evaded damnation by discharging an oceanic fluid from it's sockets. The emotion may be genuine, but those effects of it's putrid odor, entrail stains, and destructive landings require more than just a word and simple scraping off the wall to be properly dealt with. However, the surrounding innocents seem to treat it with far too much generosity. For this, the meat can only perceive these good people contracting the mold growing on it's own mass, if only to relieve the pain of decay. A pointless gesture. This meat's presence is and will always rot the world along with it. It's environment would manage to recover faster if the meat were to be discarded immediately, but too much time has passed, and the meat has bonded with the soil, therefore it's purging must be saved for a later date. So it sits, watching the universe achieve great feats as a hazey static steadily engulfs all sensory features and implants itself within the gyri and sulci of humanity's motherboard.

  • Published October 16, 2021, 22:21
  • in The Swamp
  • in Single Framed Crap
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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