where did it all go?


so much time has passed. i cant help but be uncertain of the future, the comforts of the past have been stripped away from me one by one. maybe i could try and go back to some of them. i dont want to, though, just as you wouldnt want to return to the dead body of someone you once knew. i could try again with the one thing not taken by force. i could try joining this site again, i guess. im not much of an animator, or an artist anymore. well, thats untrue, im still an artist. just cant do anything fandom related anymore, cant keep up with it. although, id really love to make an au of something. i never got to do that before, maybe this would give me a place to work out those thoughts and ideas and such. i missed this, i can tell by how im talking. theres an issue in my way though, my name.

  • Published July 07, 2024, 03:22
  • in The Swamp
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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