yeahg ok uh


ssssssso basically , , ,me and daleks got together again so ree. we talked things out and shit about how we've both improved and shit, and we've decided to like,, have a third go(lmao third times a charm) please dO nOT: state that ''OOOOooo dALEKS IS TO BLAME FOR THORN BREAKING UP WITH DODO XDDDDDd'' because thats n o t true. second: dont call me a thot, or a whore. its my decision. my relationship. i'll do what i want. besides i wanted to get with him so ???????????????? dont think that ''OMG THORN WHAT IF HES MANIPULATING U XD'' hes not. and he didnt. he ch an ge d. i decided to go ahead and upload this today because why noy. if ur gonna commit a boo hoo please dont like get suicidal or whatever ok thamks

  • Published April 18, 2019, 10:32
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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