*sigh* ;;;; w;;;;


No matter who you are, you deserve happiness, pure joy and contentedness. Considering the amount of distrust I built after finding out some stuff, I honestly wanted to give up on myself, but I didn't. I continued going to therapy and sometimes I told myself and my mom that the universe was going to show me my somebody. Now, it might be "too early" in my young life, but I feel so safe and content with someone. I've never felt safe with someone the way I do with this person.

I might be getting my hopes up "too high", but this girl and I are talking romantically, and we aren't rushing anything. I really trust this will turn into a healthy relationship. I haven't had one before, at least not the way this is turning out. She doesn't give me funny looks when I talk about my interests, we don't judge each other, we make each other laugh, we have both realized that being treated the way you outta be, is pretty affective. It sucks when you get so used to being treated poorly, that the way her and I treat each other has a very unusual feel to it, but-- I don't know guys, this is the first person who hasn't made me feel bad for wanting to treat them kindly ;;

I, a trans man, am not ashamed to say I'm happy and I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm pretty gay for this girl. I get too nervous around her enough to express myself the way I want ;;w;;

  • Published Published November 28, 2023, 21:25
  • Location in The Swamp
  • Album in Zoned out - 32
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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