All words in the background are quotes from the book- so yay- that hurt a bit, even while using the text tool- I hope yall like this coz I ended up not doing my homework- also because I tried on this, unlike most things-
can we please get this to at least 5 likes- please-
@_J_M_ jesus christ that was brutal me from two years ago- but yes-_J_M_
@Awkward__Artist yes. And if they aren’t willing to pick themselves back up, then they can starve where they lie... (note, this doesn’t apply to those who CAN’T get themselves back up)Awkward__Artist
@_J_M_ Sometimes you just gotta let the people who don't put in the work to fall so they can learn to pick themselves back up and become a better person.And if they can't learn that lesson, well... that's just too bad.
@_J_M_ Absolutely._J_M_
@Awkward__Artist socialism fails in the fact that is promotes laziness. It’ll reward those who do nothing_J_M_
@Awkward__Artist also, school systems that don’t allow for failing grades, it teaches students to be stupid and mediocre at bestAwkward__Artist
I totally agree.Free stuff sounds nice at first, but all it does is make you dependent on those who can actually provide the "free" stuff and lacking in experience.