rain rain go away


i stg this whole things gonna take me at least a year to get over. i still cry as hard about it as i did when it happened and theres no signs of it letting up my anxieties getting so bad, im suspicious of everyone and feel like everyone hates me on the inside. that im leeching off others and they only accept it out of pity. i know thats not true, but my gut feels like it is. the constant reminders dont help, fuck the constant reminders before it even went down didnt help. just made me feel like a shit person and that i wasnt capable of building personal relationships with people. that all i do is get in the way or fuck up when i try. id take a hiatus but ash doesnt deserve that and id miss you guys, youre kinda all i have and i cant vent to anyone irl, i depend on this place and flip to vent my feelings out and refresh. im just in a shit situation where i get front row seats to how my mistakes really fucked up other people and how my absence made it better for them. i fucking hate myself so much over all this and i wish i wouldve manned up and done better before it was too late

  • Published December 08, 2018, 14:14
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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