stop trying you'll never get past


[spam] is blocking you A = download [spam] download [spam] = too much [spam] B = delete [spam] delete [spam] = you cant delete [spam] there is to much C = [quit] quit = you cant this is a loop D = [dont even try it] dont even try it = srsly dont E = [stop reading this] stop reading this = you failed F = [scroll all the way down] scroll all the way down = scroll back up and read again = hello there thanks for reading again G = [theres an error] theres an error = [stop trying to get past the firewall before i actually burn you] stop trying to get past the firewall before i actually burn you = [congrats you can leave] congrats you can leave = quit = you cant this is a loop

This animation is a continuation of:
10First Animation!
  • Published October 31, 2020, 19:11
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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