i do a lot of baking when im sad or angry since its almost therapeutic for me to be able to recite recipes and shit and mix a bunch of whacky things together to make a cake or. Something. anyways. heres my cookies. i dont like to use chocolate chips, i just buy chocolate bars and chop them B)
@DaleksOfSkaro Huh.Neat.
@Awkward__Artist Basically "You and your adventure buddy from DND have finished your quest and obtained your riches! Now you will spend your newfound riches on partying the night away!" Theres mechanics like gambling and stuff, as you drink your HP and Alcohol level go either down or up, your goal is to be the last person to pass out, if your level and HP pass eachother, lets say your HP is 10, and your alcohol is 11, you've passed out! Your alcohol starts at 0, and your HP starts at 20. Its really fun, and theres a lot of versitilityAwkward__Artist
@DaleksOfSkaro I've never heard of the red dragon inn. Could you explain it to me?DaleksOfSkaro
Just make either a dnd session or the red dragon innim hella knowledgeable on boardgames now a days
@The_Creator make a dnd story thingyThe_Creator