General Conversation Tips


You want a conversation to just be a bunch questions. You can't really continue conversations with just statements.

Ideally the conversation should start like this:
Person 1: [Greeting] [Question]
Its especially important that in text or DMs you start off by asking the question, so you get an almost guaranteed response. Most people won't respond to a DM if it just says "Hi"

The ideal response would be something like
Person 2: [Answer] [Question]
If the other person doesn't respond back with another question for you, it should be your job to ask them another question if you're trying to keep the conversation going.

Also, its very important that your questions aren't just yes or no questions or questions that can be answered in one word.
It may sound complicated but you may actually do something like this unintentionally.
If a conversation goes something like this:
Person 1: Hi! How are you?
Person 2: I'm good. How about you?
Person 1: I'm doing good too! [Follow up Question]
It's following the conversation formula that I brought up. Though this is a pretty weak example. If you or they explained why they were doing good, you could bring up a topic of interest. Think something like, "I'm doing good, I was just playing some Mario Kart with my sibling and we had fun. How are you doing?
If you came into the conversation without knowing what to talk about this is the ideal response you want.
A good response could be something like: "That's cool, I'm doing good too! Maybe we could play some Mario Kart together sometime?" or you could say something like "I'm doing good too. I just had some pizza. What'd you eat today?

These were mainly meant for people who feel like their conversations end abruptly or awkwardly and for people who struggle to even get a conversation going.

Hope you like these Anonymous Tips :)

  • Published Published January 13, 2021, 22:50
  • Location in Anonymous
  • is not continuable by others
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