STRIKE 2022 announcement


MY NEW MAIN OC!!! any collaborations will now feature this character! Now, if ya want, read this ability list! COre I form: Touch Manipulation! (when in physical contact with another entity, Strike at will has the ability to manipulate the anatomy of its opponent over a 10 second period. 50/50 advantage. Gift of Surprise: Strike's first hit always lands. always. the opponent is rushed, not physically, but during 'The Gift' experience, ones mind is blackened, leaving them completely vulnerable to Strikes first hit. (1 sec durration) (cooldown next opponent/fight) Core II FOrm: Awakening his curse, Strike has a second and only next form. here are his abilities in that form. Reality Manipulation Soundwave COnfiguration (A method of sence disruption) I Know YOu: This ABILITY IS QUITE DIFFERENT Once in contact with someone else, combat or not, uncontrollably, Strike is connected telepathically to everyone and everything around him. Advantage : Strike learns about his opponent while he fights, being the reason why HE hits first, then allows his opponent to attack him, for a better opportunity to learn his opponents moves while his opponent thinks they have the upper hand. Disadvantage : Strike rarely has a microability to assume a certain move or attack is coming, so he tries to predict it. Yet, using to many telepathic actions can lead to the curse on his head to burn deeper into his skull, leading to debilitating headaches leaving Strike vulnerable for long. this occurrence can lead to a separate form called RED RAGER, but that's another story for another day.

  • Published April 22, 2022, 09:54
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is continuable by others
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