So might make this a character(desc


Alright everybody meet bones. To my knowledge bones is a deamon. And he js scaryer than smile dog. Ive only met him a few times yet it was enough to fucking terrorize me to this day I can still hear his screams. So basicly hes just this demonic dog that used to sit on my balcony. The reason I would sleep with my cat was because of this. I used to call him smiley Or the smiling dog that screams for bones. Well just call him bones for now. Bones only made an appearence in my dreams once in his doggie form. He followed me arpund and screamed untill I gave him bones. He hated anything else just bones. Bones chased me to the airport where I was to visit my grandparents. He ended up just staring at me through the window. Thats all bones would do is just smile and stare. Until something I held dear to me dissapeared. Smile and stare. My cat dissapeared. Then he decided to make an appearence on my balcony a few times. Fast forward to this year my cats gone missing. Bones hasent payed me a visit. Or i haven't been able to see him but I can feel those eye staring at me. Bones might hate my best friend as well. Either he hates him or loves him. If he hates him im going to have to fight really hard to keep my best friend from dissapearing. Bones hasent bothered me much so idk what ill do. But i think iits a bad idea to make a demon into an oc. Anyways so that dumb angel told me to stay alive for my best friend and now i think I know why. But bones might help. Or might ve the thing I need to protect him from idk

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