It all started with their father, he is a man that can grant anyone a specific power they want. Which means he has access too any power himself. What he did was take women from the streets, take their egg cells, and use his own sperm to make children through test tubes. The mom would usually die in the process so none of them know their mothers. The purpose of him doing this was to create the most powerful being with unlimited powers, however this never really worked due to malfunctions in the dna of the babies.
First was Drake, the father tried giving him ultimate powers but only one part of it showed through, which is his power to change into any type of living organism he wants. After he failed, they tried again and Rai and Aiden came, they didnt have compatibility and they ended up with Electric and Fire powers
After trying again Selena came, she was exactly what he was looking for, she was able to control anything with the origin of space, so this basically included every known thing in the universe XD. So he always ran a bunch of tests on her, causing her to be sick and weak most of the time, and due to the tests her body grew weaker and weaker so it is easy for her to hit a weak point very fast compared to the rest of the family.
After seeing Selena's exquisite power, he wanted more... so he took Selena's DNA cells and fused those with his sperm and continued grabbing random womens' eggs. Soon came the birth of Ecthelion (water), Cora (Air), Troy (muscles), Eira (Ice), Wisteria (Life), Sage (mind), Kayge(darkness), Hikari (Light), Zoey (Spiritual), Atlas (rock), and lastly Katrina (Time). So basically nobody else was able to be compatible with Selena's power.
However, their father took into consideration of Sage's power, she was the closest to any of them to having complete power, so he ran a bunch of mind tests on her and that caused her to get completely disconnected from reality and thinks no sense anymore
After the birth of Zoey, the escape happened... which was basically the siblings planning on rebelling and running away from the lab. The day before it though, Selena and Rai were forcibly taken into the labs for experiements... Rai was getting tested on his skin on how much electricity he could produce while Selena was getting some sort of eye examination. During the middle of this Selena woke up and saw that her eye was being worked on and screamed, which caused the doctors to mess up and cut her entire eye out. Rai saw it and panicked, which caused him to run into a machine and the sparks of the machine started a fire on him, and burned the top left part of his body, his entire jaw was burned so he had to wear a mask to hide what has burned to not scare people...
The night after that happened Selena woke up and realized it was happening after an explosion went off in one part of the lab. But when she made it outside they were already leaving. She was running for them but guards grabbed her and she screamed out for help. But they just ran away while the guards dragged her back into the lab.. she was put basically into a cell for most her life after that while others had to steal for food... Selena created Midnight without her father knowing to keep her company while he worked on Zoey, Hikari, Kauge, Atlas and Katrina. he didnt let her see any of them. Selena was forced to kill multple people when growing up, so she was numb to it when she got older and didn't care if people lived or died... she could kill someone on sight and feel nothing.
Zoey was also kept away from everyone because her power was also disconnecting her from reality. She went crazy because the ghosts she saw drove her to it. Nobody knew she existed except the father... but he used her dna to make ghost hunting products just to make a quick buck, Zoey was kept in a cage most her life
when Selena turned 15, She rebelled and destroyed the lab. she fought the father and won, he fleed and Selena and Midnight are a mission to kill him
reminds me of the part of snowdin where theres snow and all the treesJJ
@Raine_Rain AA THANK You uWUTheBoiRaine
@JJ done <3JJ
@Raine_Rain By any chance could you gift this to me? π₯Ίπ π if you can't its fine i just really want it as my profile π₯ΊJJ
@Raine_Rain i actually love it so much thank you uwuJJ