A species thingy CAUGH


These creatures are made of a stone like material. Despite this material being like that, these guys are the only ones that can break it themselves. They are living in constant pain and are always looking for a way to die. The only way for them to die is to have a sacrifice ( a human ) and take out its heart. Then the creature takes out its own heart and then its body falls apart. The heart left by these stony bois grows into a new being and relives its pain. These creatures can be fully killed if their heart are managed to be destroyed before it starts growing again...which is hard despite how quick it starts to grow. These tall bois being made of a stone like material, they will sink in water and be unable to get out for they are heavy and can’t swim. They are also extremely tall...just take a look at one of those street lamps :D [if something like this already exist....sorry. I didnt do any extra research]

  • Published June 27, 2020, 20:39
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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