Disaster's species contest entry

By X

#disasterscontest1 Species: Kairu Left- Male Right- Female Average size: 6 lbs, 1-2 feet tall Kairu live in underground caverns, usually near rivers or pools of water. They are in fact amphibian, their skin patterns sometimes make their silhouette appear to have fur. While born with big eyes, they produce a sticky glue-like substance from their tear ducts that, over time, sticks their eyelids together, rendering them blind. Kairu use this substance to stick their eggs to the stalactites and stalagmites of the cave away from predators. They use echolocation, touch and smell to see and move around. Their pupils are especially delicate, and can break apart easily. Their tails are super delicate, and are used to feel their way around the rough stone. Some Kairu wrap small sticks and vines around their legs, it is a sign of defiance and "standing out" in a way. Female Kairu are born with much darker, muted, camouflage colors. They also have glowing antennae on their ears, which they use to help the newly hatched see in their first few years of life. They are usually found in the center of the colony, and are much more easily hidden than the males, so they can protect the newborns. Male Kairu are much brighter, and lack glowing antennae. They have a bright spine flare down their back and neck instead. The bright colors are meant to distract possible predators from the muted females and eggs. They can also scare away creatures with the brightness. All Kairu have an iridescent plate over their nose, which makes a specific noise when hit against something, which is used by them to communicate over long distances. The males clicking noise is actually slightly higher than females. When Kairu mate, they mate for life. If their partner dies, they will kill themselves as well.

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