I'm gunna be honest


I'm not really going to take anything you say about your sexuality or gender seriously untill you're, at the absolute least, 14. because until then, you shouldn't really be worried about your sexuality or gender. Now, this isn't to say I'll never respect those things, once you've passed an age threshold and don't seem to be too stuck in past mindsets, then I honestly don't care and'll be more than happy to call ya whatever you want and I couldn't care less about your sexuality. I'm more of just- disturbed- by the idea of far-too impressionable kids constantly wondering what they wanna bang and what they think they are. They're too young for that in my mind. Anywho, thanks for reading this, sorry if this upset anyone, it wasn't really the intention. You all have a lovely today and tomorrow.

  • Published January 07, 2021, 07:41
  • in The Swamp
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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