not what i was originally-

By teapup

-wanting it to look like so i'm posting it because i don't really want to trash it?? yeah okay. and like i'm gonna make another thing like this again but better since this idea didn't really work. anyways, quick message, you've been my friend for 3 years aa! jamie,,, lol,, i can't wait to be able to meet you in real life! and i'm not gonna send this to you so you'll never see this message :') (because its irrelevant and the other drawing imma make is more important ha), you mean so much to me as a person. and like this drawing is a bit stupid since i was having extreme happiness vibes and listening to a song so yeah. oof. yeah. no more commentary bYE

  • Published June 09, 2019, 15:05
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in doodles
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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happ mommy's day!!