I'm a harmless little bird


I’m a Harmless little Bird- https://voca.ro/14xyZcXGA00l I’m a harmless little bird Who needs food and water and a place to stay I’m a harmless little bird Who needs affection and attention wherever he goes I’m a harmless little bird Who can’t control his anger and attacks himself I’m a harmless little bird Who sleeps all day and chirps all night I’m a harmless little bird Who needs attention and affection all night and day I’m a harmless little bird Who hates other people but has no say I’m a harmless little bird Who doesn’t hurt others but hurts himself I’m a harmless little bird Who has abandonment issues and cries all day I’m a harmless little bird Who cries for your attention so you won’t fly away I’m a harmless little bird Who let’s people hurt him as long as they stay I’m a harmless little bird Who can’t control his emotions even for you I’m a harmless little bird Who holds you close but far away I’m a harmless little bird Who’s chained to the ground and can’t fly away I’m a harmless little bird Who needs affection and attention all night and day I’m a harmless little bird Who’s not ok (by me)

  • Published October 01, 2020, 10:37
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in actual art
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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