My map (Work in Progress)


So like heres the basic landscape- Drawnodous - otherwise known as the home of most of the animators in this site, semi tropical weather with many races inhabiting it Dusk desert - Home to the more hardened groups, and an on-going warzone. wars rage across the broken cities and deserts Emperors reach - currently occupied by non stick races, used as a "resort", has a large population of non stick monsters/creatures (e.g the dracomimus) and other lifeforms Lords palace-Home to the greatest of overlords stick and nonstick duke it out here, a volcano booms in the east side of the island Goldfish- Home to peaceful lifeforms Sticklandia- home to the stick people and creatures, wars rage along the east side 'the basan' a currently undiscovered island. monster isle- home to the Holy Army, and many stick/non stick monsters and creatures. the Sea of supremacy- home to raging water-based conflict, and large deep sea monsters. i hope we can build of this :>

  • Published November 05, 2019, 17:17
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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