pandas are gei ( r a n t


pandas are a lesser breed of almost all bears, and are sucking up a huge amount of the money that goes towards keeping animals alive. pandas, despite being bears, are incredibly stupid, so much so, that many accidentally sit on their young, suffocating them. They also are used as bargaining chips by the Chinese government to gain a foot hold in different countries. The panda, is going extinct, lets face it. they are not functioning, not self sufficient and require a stream of cash to keep the money jet pack on that keeps them from falling into the extinction pit. meanwhile, animals that have huge impacts on the worlds ecosystems, (e.g B E E S) have almost no funding compared with the pandas, those animals actively help the world whilst a panda produces an absolute fuck ton of green house gas. Heck, even their diet is wrong, if i was in charge of the animal conservation groups around the world, i'd cease all funding to pandas, no doubt the Chinese will keep them around themselves. meanwhile, bees, insects, fish, and reptiles all need our active help, let the fat stupid bear covered in paint fade into the past, where it belongs.

  • Published February 28, 2020, 13:37
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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