

before i say anything i would like to say that Clayton is awesome and is amazing and yes :)

anyways hi im back and i made this falling animation ;w;
this was definitely different to make and the preview is lagging very badly from how much detail is in it....so sorry about that
but yes this is this and thats about it

  • Published Published June 14, 2021, 11:25
  • Location in Whirlpool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

Comments 11

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@satansassgremlin ooh, thats interesting, ive never seen mx before! :))
hello Mx rat b*stard (pff i love that), hows ya day uwu
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@VoidBoi love that nickname, and thats cool!


@RotorMoil that makes sense! Thanks!


@poppliotube that makes sense! I know how to use grammar with they pronouns, at least i think. I just use very split gender things, like i said. But thank you! That makes sense ^^


I am nb!! i prefer gender neutral alternatives, that are fun to say!!
ie. for formal stuff I have people call me "mx" with x replacing what would usually be an r or a s.
but for fun stuff, to replace king/queen I like ruler!!
and for girl/boi replacements I prefer to be called rat bastard lol
ie "what's up my rat bastard"
another alternative is buckeroo
I like to address crowds as "my fellow yees, haws, and buckeroos"


I am not Non-Binary but I know people who are. One of my close friends has the nickname Shrimp. As to why......I don't know. They are much taller than I, just three ior four inches shy of six feet.


I'm not non-binary but from what I've seen it really depends on the person. Some nonbinary people are okay with binary words like queen and king or gender-neutral alternatives like emperor, as long you aren't straight-up calling them a boy/girl or using the wrong pronouns. but I know not all of them are a fan of it, so it's better to just ask the person or just refer to the person by their name and their pronouns until you know for sure.
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xD yes you are correct
and poppliotube... man, preach :O
i wont @ you because i dont want to take up your notifs haha


I have a non binary sibling, they prefer to be called, well, they. I avoid saying things that might me hurtful or harmful, because I understand and know it's important to them. So I'd say Avoid something like If they were a boy and they wanna be called they or somethin, then say something like How are you today, There name. Not to dance around the subject, but also dance around the subject, but not. Don't try to use they in every sentence like "How is they" That won't make sense. How are they instead, sense it won't make you sound like an idiot, lol. Uh Say something like bud, pale, amigo, friend, call them by there name, Just ask them what they wanna be called? ;p Also I am le boy, I don't really care what you call me, you're still getting the point across you're talking to me, so that's what counts, for me.


@♥️crumble♥️ thank you! and if im correct, your a she/they, correct? so i would use this on you:

goodday to you, ma'am, hows the family darlin
slay queen uwu
giiirllll u crazy


its good that you're being considerate of this! :0 i am not a non binary, but i think it's a good idea to pay attention to these things.
if you really dont know, i would advise saying 'bud' or 'sib' if that makes sense
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