Announcement + Sorry


Hello everyone! Wait, first, don't come at me for not uploading lol, ----Announcement---- Hellooo! It is me, Marioo! I have decided to give some item boxes out. It's my idea, basically you can ask for one and you can choose what you want! There are *3* available item boxes. You can pick one out to your liking. The shoutout box, {which you earn a shoutout and an anim dedicated to you}, the randomized box {which you can earn random things} and the custom box {which, yes, you can customize it.} each will come in 1 day so be patient! Note: Ask for one in the "Item Box" anim. Do not ask here, here only you can ask about the boxes. ----Sorry---- I was busy enough, so I couldn't upload, now I promise I will upload more often!

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