Hamilton's Sides


for the contest: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/5y5pag okay i'll explain: the right side is basically hamilton in act 1, which is his better side. hes determined to please general washington, leading to the words in the background, "I'll write to congress and tell them 'we need supplies!'" he is using his writing to get him higher in battle and lead america to victory. (the lyric is from the song Right Hand Man) the left side is hamilton in act 2, his worse side. in act two, he cheats on his wife and writes all about it. he loses a lot of political stature and money with that stupid move of writing. the words are, "this is the only way i can protect my legacy... wait for it." he is deciding to write the set of essays that ruins his career, essentially, The Reynolds Pamphlet. (the lyric is from the song called Hurricane) this took about seven or eight hours lmfao okay well this was definitely worth the time, im so freaking proud of this.

  • Published February 09, 2019, 20:41
  • in Still Waters
  • in H A M I L T O N
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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