ok heres another thing


so like my mom after i feel like shit and tell her it says "What was up with you today?" in a tone that sounds like she is just being an asshole and it makes me so uncomfortable and I hate it and she does this every time, and heres the thing, I don't want to tell her this because I don't want her to feel bad because she's my mom! she gave birth to me and my brain wants her to at the very least feel like she has enough of a relationship with me and I hate that, I want to tell her to leave me alone and that I would rather vent to my friends and people online rather than you but I know that would be really fucking rude and would probably send her into a downward spiral because she does this thing where she bottles up her emotions and i dont want to be the thing that makes her bust so frihusnghufrenk i dont know anymore

  • Published May 11, 2022, 09:14
  • in The Swamp
  • in vents/rambles
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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