So. I decided that this account will now be my official trash post account. I just felt bad leaving it to rot in the corner with its 956 notifications waiting to be cleared, so. Now we're here.
This is @!AJD! by the way.
I wanted to use this account more and not let it go to waste, and I didn't want a bunch of trash posts to be clogging up my main account. Yay.
So. If you hadn't seen my other posts like 5 months ago, and if you're following this account and not the other one, I'd advise you to go do that. I post better art on there and now this account will just be my venting and sh*tposting account now. Hm.
(A reason for changing accounts, by the way, was because I don't like this username now and I wanted to start fresh. If you didn't know that.)
damnn i missed uHearthrillex
sick as shit