More writing stuff-


After I shook his hand, We started walking away as he followed. I glanced at him again and observed him, he had 4 hears. Huh, wonder how great he could hear. 2 arms visible, but there was something strange about each arm. The left one seemed too have scars on it and the right one had some black stone like stuff on his hand. Wonder what happened. He had 2 eyes but I looked closer and saw too slits above those 2 eyes, it looked like he had 2 more eyes but they were closed. But that was a silly thought, he was going to help us! Make us hero’s! And when he smiled you could see all his sharp teeth, guess he’s just excited about helping us! Right?

  • Published November 05, 2019, 18:49
  • in Anonymous
  • is not continuable by others
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