so i was in my first period, and we had a sub. the sub was talking with the students (she's really chill, she let everyone talk and stuff throughout the class) well, one of the kids in the front row asked "Are you married?" and she laughed and said "Yeah, I am. Funny story actually, a student hooked me up with my current husband." Everyone went s i l e n t. It was hilarious. The sub told us the story about how her student hooked her up with her husband. The rest of class everyone was like idk confused and/or stunned. Everyone was like talking about it during and after class--- tell me if you want to hear the story my sub told lol

  • Published September 24, 2020, 09:52
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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