okay, so


these are really horrible sketches of my few main characters from a new story i'm writing. i kinda want to make another account for it and animate the story, but i would need help with it. so anyone who wants to help, comment on here and then i'll PM you, reconfirming. anyway. Story/plot: needed:three people: @PhinSilver jj kk animation:needed: five people: @rockjjing kk ii ss dd coloring:needed two people: @Phinsilver @kawaii_melon shading: needed: two people: @rockjjing ii art:needed:five people: @PhinSIlver jj ii kk ll just comment if you want to help!!

  • Published October 21, 2019, 17:27
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in story
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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