Not just a stickman


Yes, there is a lore. And, as dumb as he looks, this man is an evil genius.

So, basically, there is this guy, and he is a superhero in a tv show. They called him "Low Budget Man". He went on vacation for a month to Disney World, and the show needed a temporary replacement, so they got someone named Sally.
When Low Budget Man returned, he noticed that people loved Sally more than him. He got jealous, so he murdered her.
He didn't get away with it however and was sent to jail. He escaped, and got caught so, he demanded to have a retrial. He used $5 lawyers and somehow won the trial, meaning they all think he is innocent. now they let him back on the show. and thats all that has happened so far. maybe the ghost of sally will have revenge.

  • Published Published October 02, 2020, 09:52
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in Low Budget Man
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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