im bored (and scared for what ya'll might do)
You can embed your animation right in your website! Just copy the code below and paste it where you want the animation to appear:
@-fryiinpan- I mean, for all we know it could be lol@PicklesWithFruit aah yes
@TheMemeist oml yes
And I can Do more like this lol
oml whatPicklesWithFruit
This my fam, is layer mastery.-fryiinpan-
when i looked at this from just the notifications i thought it was some sort of alien solar system xdKailey_Kat
@TheNightblade ikrrNightblade
@Kailey_Kat *visible confusion*Kailey_Kat
@TheNightblade OMG I WAS AT WENDY'S ONCE and there was this old guy in front of Us, and he ordered his stuff and after ordering lmao he asked the guy at the register "is this wendys?" LollNightblade
@Kailey_Kat "yes, wendy's employee, can I get a whopper?"Kailey_Kat
@TheNightblade that's okay@RazzyIsHere LMAO I was playing with the magic functions
how t f do you do t h a tNightblade
@Kailey_Kat but thats Burger KingKailey_Kat
@TheNightblade yesNightblade
@Kailey_Kat Well, can I at LEAST get a whopper?Kailey_Kat
@TheNightblade THERE ARE NO BIG MACS to be consumed within this family do u UNDERSTANDNightblade
@Kailey_Kat but mom-Kailey_Kat
@TheNightblade WE ARE GOING TO WENDYSKailey_Kat
@TheNightblade NONightblade
@Kailey_Kat can I get a B I G m a c, mom?Kailey_Kat
@TheNightblade y e s y e s@ToonKraft127 oooh yeah! Ty!
Whoa! This reminds me of Splatoon for some reason. Looks really cool!Nightblade
@Kailey_Kat y esKailey_Kat
@TheNightblade good now let's go get w e n d y sNightblade
@Kailey_Kat *slams head on respawn button*Kailey_Kat
@TheNightblade respawn my doodNightblade
@Kailey_Kat *dies*Kailey_Kat