this calls improv


was wild we were on a meteor heading towards earth, inside the meteor were some bitches that I had to dig out, I accidentally hurt hoodies feelings, then I dug out the bitches who were made of slime and then hoodie ate some of the meteor and then was pink then ate the pink and then understood slime and then the slimes comforted hoodie and then said some mean things about me and hoodie started to beat them up while me and jm were trying to figure out if hoodie was going to be okay and not become a full pink slime and then we find out jm coded the meteor and the bitches and then coded them to make their aggressiveness go down and then hoodie had to be tp'd off planet because they were a pink slime and if they were to burn up on the meteor they would essentially make the whole world horny pink slimes and then we find out the bitches werent flamable and could protect me from the meteor crash landing and burning up and also jm was an eldritch horror as he usually is and it was wild man, you shoukdve been there

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