

"Tell me this Mason, why do you defend the one thing that has brought you harm hm? You see humanity is a wonderful thing, they've spent thousands of years evolving into the most complex and intelligent organism, capable of programming advanced technology and constructing massive skyscrapers, oh God they're phenomenal. Unfortunately that's as far man kind will ever get in evolution wanna know why? Because humans have a natural hunger for power and domination even if it means destroying the lives of others. Eventually this flaw in humanity will lead to its collapse. I mean come on now its already happening, country after country building bombs capable of causing nuclear winter. Sound apocalyptic enough to you? Scary isn't it? How this beautiful world is under control by such an arrogant species. THIS is why the human species will never evolve THIS is why they will constantly be stuck in one plane of existence and all because they want to be in control of something that's far more powerful than them" -Dexter Hail **Lil explanation of the drawing** Mason and Dexter r part of the Morgana species which r looked down upon in society. Eventually Dexter has enough of that shit and starts to retaliate, Mason however is defending the human race so because of this Dex and him have a fight. Dexter tells Mason how flawed humanity has become and they'll eventually kill each other for power, he essentially wants his beloved brother to go against humans just like he has.

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