Holy Snaps - A Story Ig


something is moving, you can feel it. you tease as you hear the slosh of a puddle, followed by scraping. it draws nearer, the sound thunders through the tight corridors, echoing like a thousand voices in shear agony. your grip against the dead flashlight tightens, its coming. the scraping gets louder, louder, and louder still. it's coming. your mind races, searching, and then you see it. it stands in the dim moonlight, its pale, white skin glinting as it breathes. its eyes are devoid or color, glowing a sharp neon white, something drips from its long snout, a red, blackened mass covered in a green hinge. on it's head, a ragged tophat, fashioned together with rags and stitches. you dash to the wall, searching for something to defend yourself with. you hear it's slow sloshing steps get closer, its breath becoming louder. you rattle at the floor, dislodging a fire axe. you hold it tight, standing back up. it's now only a few feet from you, it gurgles, lowering it's long body to the floor, it lets out a snarl as it leaps forward. you swing your axe, it ducks, the axe strikes the wall, sending sparks flying in almost every direction. the axe is suddenly lifted from your hands, as it lurches up, towering above you, you feel a sudden pain in your shoulder. you turn to see the reddened blade of the axe, lodged in your upper arm. you fall to the floor, and you feel a new, stinging pain in your chest, you lower you hands and feel something, warm, and long.. you realize that your cradling your on intestines, you begin to sob slowly, as you feel another sharp pain, this time, in your head. it then that you realize that, it has a-hold of your head. you feel it's jaw tense, and then, a rattling snap. and there is no more pain.

  • Published January 03, 2020, 20:13
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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