So, I Had An IDEA (read desc.)


Ok so here's the dealio I have run out of friends that I can base a good well written character out of. SOOOOOOOOOOO, I had this thought of "What community/person influenced me as a person these last few years" And then I thought of DRAWN. SO, here's my idea, if this post can gain enough traction, and at least 8-10 people agree to participate I will make a contest where the top prize is their character that was made in the contest being the fourth person in the comic and there will be trophies and gifts and all that other stuff. To make a long story short: I will make a contest where the character that is top prize will be put in my comic and there will be other prizes like trophies and gifts from me and other junk. And the only way for that to happen is to get this post a lot of traction on this here community

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