... for socks- I- I’m ascending- I didn’t think it was possible- I-.. So this is what absolute power is like... THIS IS HOW IT FEELS TO KNOW ALL BE ALL AND CONCEIVE ALL- I NOT ONLY FEEL THE POWER- BUT I AM P O W E R
You can embed your animation right in your website! Just copy the code below and paste it where you want the animation to appear:
@Bionicle.exe your in no position to judgeBionicle.exe
@drumcat yesdrumcat
@Bionicle.exe do you find amusement in making me suffer?Codex
@Bionicle.exe yesBionicle.exe
@drumcat do yall find amusement in causing me harm?TheMaineAnimator
@drumcat try medrumcat
@TheMaineAnimator and ill do the same to youCodex
gtg cyaTheMaineAnimator
@drumcat your slicing his throat opendrumcat
isnt that right boncle@bionicle.exe
all that workCodex