The Calacong Transcript #disasters1


(hastag #disasterscontest1 ) The Following Transcript comes from Dr. Lenoni biaeko on the surface of planet JiJi. March/12th/2078/ I was at first rather confused when I was called to the ISIS for a meeting on the rather uninteresting planet of 'JiJi'. "There are thousands of Red star rocks, why is this one any different?", But, when they told me of the creatures on this, 'Rock' it intrigued me, and so did the paycheck, 6,000 Urions for a few Dim Lizard eggs? sign me up. So i accepted the offer, and im headed there tomorrow, maybe this little holiday will be a fun little detour. March/14th/2078/ To the stupidity of the pilot i was with, he landed the bloody ship on top of a rain forest canopy, and the entire thing came crashing down, on the bright side, i cant complain, now with that entire tree shoved through his torso, but hey, I'm doing just fine. March/15th/2078 I've been walking through Marshland for hours, hardly seen anything other than whatever these bloodsucking parasites are, who knows what they carry! I'm currently clawing my own arms off trying to get these huge blisters out of my skin, but it doesnt matter now, im so close to the crang. March/17th/2078 Peaceful they said. Lazy big lizards they said, one of the horned ones came at me and nearly impaled my on that big stinger they have, I sketched one of them down so i could remember how they looked, they are huge! At first i was dreading climbing up the rock face, but apparently, they have tunneled a way up from the ponds under it, lucky me. (the final message is scuffed and hastily written) If anyone can read this, im currently wedged between two rocks. They told me that they leave their nests all the time, so when i got there i should be able to take them easy. one of the HUGE ones came back, lifted my up by my arm, AND TORE IT CLEAN OFF. its currently trying to dig me out of the rock i found to hide behind, my blood is tainted the stone, I cant go on much longer. The Doctors mangled, half eaten corpse was found in the ponds bellow, suggesting that he had tried to run.

  • Published April 16, 2020, 20:53
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
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