ok so yeah i used to weightlift in my PE class, idk if it really helped my body all that much, but i did it just about everyday, except friday all last year.
But what happened on the last day of weightlifting, all the dudes were betting each other money to benchpress a 90 pound weight,, i wanted to show off so i asked my weightlifting partners to spot me while i was doing it
someone went to spot me, but as I lifted the weight up, they STOpPED spotting me, i couldn't speak because i was trying to breath and shit, suddenly the bar slowly lowered to my face, busting the bottom side of my face, breaking my front teeth
funny enough i had a dentist appointment that day so i was told to come back to get my teeth fixed in a few weeks, rn my teeth are fixed and my face has healed so yippie lmao