Why do i have to do this??


"You know the reason," said Phin "I don't like it," said Levi "Neither do I, but I don't want to think of what could happen if we don't do this," said Phin, shoving their hands further into their pockets and walking even faster. "What did your wonderful bosses threaten you with this time?" asked Levi "They threatened to throw you in here too," said Phin "What! can they do that?" asked Levi "Yeah. you did commit some pretty bad crimes," said Phin "Not as bad as some of your bosses have!!" said Levi "Hey, I know. Now, let's go talk to him, or you'll be stuck in here forever, and nobody wants that," said Phin "I think some people do," said Levi "Yeah, and I'll protect you from them," said Phin "Also, why is it so cold?" asked Levi, folding in on themself even more "It is an ice prison. That's why I told you to bring a jacket," said Phin, putting their arm around Levi's shoulders "I think we're there," said Levi "Well, let's get this over with," said Phin, taking Levi's hand while opening the door to reveal the prisoner __________ told y'all I would get some of the backstory out on Sundays!! So, this is at a later point. So, what's happening is Phin and Levi are going to talk to a prisoner that will only talk to Levi. He's Levi's "father". He manipulated Levi a lot after the missiles rained down, causing Levi to hurt a lot of people. The only reason Levi is not in prison is because Phin rescued them from the prisoner guy's arena. and Phin somehow bribed the council to let Levi be free, as long as Phin or their brother watched them. ask anything about them you want!!! and yes, that is glitter on Phin's cheeks. ignore it

  • Published February 23, 2020, 22:14
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Backstory
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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