the forgotten


so, Fred was my first OC and i wanted to do something edgy at the time so i came up with a story for one of my Oc's but i didnt know which one to pick. So when i got home i went through my Oc skecthpad and flipped to a random page and guess who was there. FRED. heres the story: 'Once there were 2 creators, the like of which no one shall utter their names. They brought the land peace and prosperity, giving all who needed what they needed, But one day a single being went lose, he decided to kill. The creators could not hold him back, no matter what they did. but they had 1 way to get rid of the monster, but it was risky. BUT THEY DID IT ANYWAYS BECAUSE THEY DONT CARE. the solution was to reset the world and so they did. All that was left was the entity known as FReD. He waited for millenniums for something to kill, But he was forgotten. Now in the present in a copy of the past universe the 2 creators decided to give the hero's of this world a challenge, the hero's being 2 demons named 8, and Fred. So the creators decided to bring a portal to a random world with a threat greater than Oak (oak was a basicly the radio demon from HH but alot more muderous and not friendly at all) So they opened the portal to the void without knowing what they had done, for it had been 15,000 years. As the monster walked out looking the same as it did when it was first brought to the void. The hero Fred walked over to his simaler self, he knew it wasnt him but it was. Fred decided to talk to the monster, this was the first time the monster listened to anyone. After that Fred decided to treat the creature like a friend and they did become friends but when Fred went out to do something he had to put the monster on a leash to prevent it from tearing up the house or killing anyone.' if someone can make that story better please do, i made this when i was 11 so its p trash and its almost word for word. also i wanna do a stuff is way meme with these frickers so like, yeah

  • Published Published April 09, 2020, 17:57
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in trash
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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