

Here is my character of the glass makers species He is a Male Phidippus audax Jumping Spider This is the species: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/0vnvq8 -------------------------------------------- Species design guide: Females have a large tuft of fur on their chest, the tuft may only be one solid color If a male has larger tuft of fur on his chest it consists of more than one color and will have the same markings on the body The glassmakers eyes are made of ,well, glass! And they are mainly light colors. It is very rare, but possible, for a glassmaker to have a thin dark film of glass over their eyes to make them appear dark. Their eyes are very sensitive to light. A glassmakers colors and patterns must actually exist on a real spider, beware of making a Mary sue. The ink like leg things they use to get around should consist of mainly dark colors, This character is the only exception-->https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/5q2bgc Another thing is the ink Legs are NOT Connected to the shoulders This species is Open, if you would like to add rare qualities to yours or have any suggestions for them, please let me know!

  • Published June 30, 2020, 11:05
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Characters
  • is not continuable by others
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