Dream terms

By Allen

Dream terms that I often use and their meaning :)

Lucid dreams: Dreams that occur during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, you may have awareness and consciousness during them, and having control over them.

REM: Rapid Eye Movement is the deepest stage of sleep. The name is due to the characteristic eye movement that happens under the eyelids while having a REM sleep.

Awareness: Being aware in a dream means you know your current surroundings aren't real and nothing but a dream. But, sometimes, you might be affected by the dream so you can't "break out" of it.

Consciousness: What you have after being aware. Consciousness has levels, the higher the better. If you have low consciousness level, then you will be affected by the dream, even if you know it is indeed a dream. It's like you're being controlled.
If you have a high consciousness level, then you won't be as affected by the dream, being able to do whatever you want. You can think about real life, you can transform the dream into something else, anything. High consciousness level is a more common thing between oneironauts.

Lucid worlds/Dream worlds: Those are worlds that you or your mind creates. You often need to follow a plot, playing a role. When you don't have any plot to follow, you can continue with the dream the way you want it to continue.
"Lucid" world and "Dream" world don't mean exactly the same but I often use them as synonyms.
While lucid world may refer to worlds entirely made to lucid dream and do whatever you want, dream world means that you either follow a plot or play a role, only sometimes being able to break out of it.

Halfway/half-dreams: N1 stage lucid dreams. Your body is asleep while your mind is not. You can see your in real life surroundings while having a short-visually dream. They happen thanks to hypnagogic hallucinations being turned into a lucid world purposely.

Oneironauts: People who are able to lucid dream often, they have the ability to travel whitin one's dream on a conscious basis. They're often also dreamwalkers.

Dreamwalkers: People who are able to travel whitin other's dreams. There's many ways of dreamwalking, the most common one is simply appearing into other people's dreams without being in there. There's others ways, like sharing a dream with someone else (being able to be in there, like, dreaming the same thing the other person is dreaming), or making someone else dream what you want them to (having the dream go the way you want it to go. You can be there or not)

Skins: How other people perceive you in dreams. This can be with either real people (when dreamwalking) or the dream people (people in your dreams). The way other people perceive you in dreams can only be controlled by how you perceive yourself in dreams. If you believe you have wings in dreams, then you'll have wings in dreams.

Bridges: Small lucid worlds that connect to other bigger lucid worlds.

Breaking a dream: Corrupting a dream. This happens when you say or think too strongly things like "I know I'm dreaming". That can have many turns, like making the dream turn into a nightmare, waking up immediately, the dream fading out until you wake up, or nothing. The "nothing" only happens to experienced oneironauts, since we can control when we wake up or not, and we can avoid nightmares too.

"Break-out": Being able to stop playing a role in a dream to do whatever you want to. This can also refer to waking up.

  • Published Published June 08, 2024, 14:08
  • Location in The Swamp
  • Album in 2_HTBO
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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he looks like the white version of mao mao hes beautiful 10/10