No matter what, the arm that reaches out will always be there, it doesn't even matter if it's for a specific reason. We're all human, we all mistakes, all of us have our flaws. That's why the arm is there, always reaching. And the person at the end of it can be anyone and anything. Some people have been reaching out for years, continuously waiting for the other hand to grab it and help them up. Sometimes that person's arm gets tired from reaching, because it's also just like the other arm. Sometimes the other arm believes that there is no arm reaching out for them, they don't even see it. But it's there, and it will continue to reach and wait for the time the other hand decides to grab it, and be helped up. (Idk I feel like this is a weird analogy but it's been on my mind for a while now,, I guess it can be considered a sort of a vent)
@red_nose poggersred_nuts
@-AshFlame- nOOO ill do hard mode >:(-AshFlame-
@red_nose you should do expert with me :-)-AshFlame-
@-AshFlame- speaking of bang dream i got that choco cornet song now so we can play it later lmao-AshFlame-
@red_nose stop in the name of the law !! if you do not comply you have to play bang dream with me so i can kick your ass .red_nuts
im making apost u cant stop meBloopzafosh
yes. very inspirational.