hoo boy i sure wish people would at least try and seem like theyre as interested in the things i talk about as they are with other people
whenever i say something about an interest of mine no one responds and then move on to an entirely different conversation and then i sit there and feel stupid and annoying because i sat and spammed the chat for forever and no one gave a shit but as soon as someone else does the same thing every sits and has a whole ass conversation and everyone's involved and they all talk to each other
i seriously dont even fucking know why i try anymore. like am i really that boring
it doesnt even just happen online either whenever i talk to someone when we're hanging out the same exact thing happens and then i sit there the entire time were together feeling like no one likes me and would rather i not be there because every little thing i say gets fucking brushed off unless it relates to something else that the other person likes cause of course why would anyone care about the conversation unless its something they wanna talk about
i keep trying to just push this shit down and convince myself that im just overthinking but im so fucking sick of it i just wanna feel like literally anyone cares about me
at this point ive just given up on trying to cater to everyone else's feelings and listen to and be interested everything they say because if no ones gonna bring the same energy for me why the fuck should i
I know I often don´t know how to respond to the things you tell me, but I still want to be here for you if you ever need to vent.As long as you are okay with telling me.
cdn.discordapp.com OwOskootRus
*hugs* feel no fear, the drawn team is here! if you need support about something you can always share it with us uwu