#WhatIfContest first off thank you for hosting!! it actually helped me figure out a bunch of semantics for my world lmao. cole: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/p1ewpk luca: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/jwvzey jackie: (DEPRIVED of art here) https://toyhou.se/14832798.jackie-diament ~~infodump time~~ ok SO!! the first one is like, what if genderbend the conspiracy chuds but ALSO remove all their problems in order for cole, luca + jackie to all meet at this point (pre-mindfuck), bc cole is untraumatised, luca has an actual personality (and can read more than picture books L), jackie is able to take breaks, and theyre all comfortable enough in their bodies to go to a beach. (vague gesturing) luca brute-forced his (her??) way into meeting jackie's friends and the others left early. it'd be funny if they planned this meetup on the day red hare gets raided too. epic crime-causing trio becomes real and luca beats up a lot more people. 2. a zombie au. bloom was impatient with testing trails so the dumb gas went mega wrong! insert fake science + walking dead logic. when you die you get neuron activated into zombie mode. nobody can leave so red hare is now a survival outpost against the horde. the rh raid involved a lot more murder. cole has been wandering the wastes trying to pin together what happened with substantially less evidence and backup than he has in canon while being in mega depression mode. jackie is trying to KILL everyone involved in the zombie crisis. her guilt is massively inflated because she saw her buds DIE instead of mostly getting taken by goons, and now has to see them all shambling around eating brainz. she's absolutely feral and loses a lot of her methodical nature, especially when faced with past members of rh. also: right after this image jackie clobbers cole lmao. he is in he in no way strong enough to restrain the ball of fury that is jackie. ever. she's more associated w red than pink here: she is ANGRY and OUT TO KILL. (+ a little luca zombie. hee hee haha. there is no mind control, only brain eat. he may be undead, but he is free) ~infodump complete~~

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  • Published March 17, 2022, 19:45
  • in Still Waters
  • in ooga booga
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