some updates


school this week is going to be shit, especially considering im trying really hard to not talk to sammy but also not let his bullshit fly with me. ahhhhhhhh toxic friendships are hard i cant watch the last season of voltron and i already cried today because i saw a cute outfit lance was wearing in the last scene and i dont want to spoil myself. (the outfit was insignificant and played no role in the plot, i just thought it was super cute and started tearing up because i stan lance) still listening to depressing songs for some reason, idk they make me feel nauseous so i mean the less i eat the better i barely have any good drawing ideas as of recent, if this continues for another week then ill be opening requests. i havent had too bad of gender dysphoria in a while which is all the more reason to keep my guard up, im ready to have a mental breakdown my periods still acting fucking weird idk man i might have to go to a doctor at this point, im really not all that stressed so idk what can be causing it to go haywire i have a paigeeworld guys!!! follow me i need friends i only post my art from here on it rn but i do have old art on there and when i get my home computer back, ill be posting art from medibang and toon on there cue depressed outro because my depression is still chilling out and occasionally whispering something really self destructive in my ear here and there

  • Published December 17, 2018, 06:59
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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