

coronavirus is a scam made up by men to oppress society and steal stock interest grrr rrr FUCK . men . god am i right.

nah just kidding.

Coronavirus should be taken seriously and dealt with professionally. It's real, has no cure and you can't just ignore that. However, fuck you if you're trying to purposely scare people and be a dick about it. Media blows things way out of proportion and the only thing that's worth noting about Corona is the fact that it now has a direct correlation with stock prices. Wash your hands, eat your veggies and be a kid. Half of you are like ten I'm pretty sure and yall shouldn't have to worry about dying cause media said "corona bad"

anyways perhaps stop making posts about this also i aint tryina start shit. just came to shake my ass about not having school

  • Published Published March 09, 2020, 16:04
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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