The Distorted Squad!


hehe its them yes. i made Kamil (formerly cleff) off to the side on purpose, cuz i imagine the other three are trying to be cool for a photo or smth and Kamil is just NOT having it. hes like "lemme drink mah coffee." i drew Fleur, and personally i think her design if perfectly simple. like not TOO simple so it stands out but not too complicated. i think its cool. Core is just existing bc yes. Kamil belongs to @Hoodie Core belongs to @Bionicle.exe Fleur belongs to @Demonxfox rlly sad poor poem couldnt be in it, ill make seperate special art of his oc when its done later on.

  • Published August 27, 2022, 00:34
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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