Bakreal’s are a species that originate from the Bloodbeast universe. Not much is well-known about these creatures, as they’re hard to study. This is mainly due to the fact that they can run up to 140 miles per hour, and even when they’re caught, they often use the mace-ball on their tails to breach containment.
So, of the information we do know, it’s only the normal behavior of when they’re awake.
Bakreals’ cannot fly, their wings are used to help them safely glide down when they jump. Aswell as allow for them to safely slow down from running. Though, a rare few Bakreal’s have been spotted hovering, though not quickly, and there have never been any proven sightings of adult bakreals doing this.
The limbs on their body are extremely flexible, allowing for them to turn their wings backwards, and do an offensive attack on both prey and predators by gliding towards the prey/predator tail-first (right-most image on the top row). This tactic has been nicknamed “Mace Meteor” by many.
They have been proven to be capable of jumping up to 300 meters into the air.
Bakreals are carnivores, and mostly prey on anything smaller than them.
The average height for a bakreal (legs not bent) Its about 4 meters tall, and spans about 4.5 meters from head-to-tail. Average wingspan and weight is unknown due to a lack of sufficient known data.
Wing patterns are unique to each individual bakreal, like fingerprints are to humans, but almost always consist of the pink-magentaish color, and rarely the Heliotrope variant.
@_Disaster_ thanks!_Disaster_
omg creepy i love it!