

why does it have to be this wy why cant i just live a normal life i never want to hear my name again i never wan t to look in the mirror again . i want to hurt myself really really bad i want to ct myself i want to tear myself to shreds everybody would be better off without me i need to die right now i cant go on any longer ive fucked it all up i just need to get out as soon as possible i need to i need to i need to i needdddd to get the hell out of here i need to kill myself right now i need somebody to come kill my in my sleep i need somebody to run me over while im crossing the road any way out is fine i just need it to be quick i cant suffer any longer i cant make others suffer any longer i need to get out i need to get out i nedd

  • Published March 07, 2022, 18:32
  • in The Swamp
  • in mentol ilness go
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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